Evelyna Kuhr

Character Matters: Work is more than using our intellect to produce something; it is also a means by which we develop and show forth positive character traits, and support one another in our mutual aim to build our many capacities.

Quality Matters:  No service is performed without close attention to integrity and excellence; we produce things on time, but never sacrifice quality.

Words and Actions MatterBeing able to fulfill our written and spoken commitments is of utmost importance, and our words and actions will always be highly aligned.

Relationships Matter: Building strong, positive working relationships with clients and among ourselves is an important aim and joyful outcome of our time together.

Direct Line: 907-272-1299
Email: KBezold@BalancedCPAs.com

About Us

Sarah Deen


Wanetta Lemley

Tax Manager

Direct Line: 907-272-1297
Email: SDeen@BalancedCPAs.com

Kasey Bezold

Tax Accountant

Annie Palagyi


balanced cpa website cover

Security Matters: Providing employees with financial security is essential for maximizing productivity and efficiency and is the right thing to do.

Evelyna Caldwell, CPA


Life Matters:Balancing our work commitments with other elements of a healthy life contributes to our long-term well-being and the health of our families, the community, and the world; we thrive when balanced.

Lauren Kuhr

Practice Administrator

Direct Line: 907-272-1294
Email: EKuhr@BalancedCPAs.com
Direct Line: 907-272-1295
Email: LKuhr@balancedCPAs.com

Zaynab Rawhani

Administrative Assistant

Direct Line: 907-272-1291
Email: Assistant@BalancedCPAs.com

Our Team

Our Core Values

Direct Line: 907-272-1298
Email: WLemley@BalancedCPAs.com
Direct Line: 907-272-1292
Email: Apalagyi@balancedcpas.com